Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalm 16:5-6

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Catching Up...

Well, it has been several weeks since I posted anything.  We have had a really busy month filled with lots of great things and a lot of work.  I have been thinking that I needed to get all the news posted in chronological order, but that seemed too forced and boring and I was getting farther behind and feeling defeated.  So, I decided to pick up today and fill in with the other things in story form.

Katie Mae Preston is the cutest 7 year-old in the world.  She just happens to be my niece and a cracker-jack soccer player.  We had the best time watching her play soccer tonight.  Katie has a sister, Rylie Grace, who is the cutest 5 year-old in the world.  Rylie didn't play soccer this year, but we had a good time watching her be herself tonight.  All the girls played hard and ran and ran and ran.  Katie plays defender most of the time and is very good.  In the game of soccer you run more than probably any other sport, those who play have the thighs to prove it.  Given that fact, it is odd to me that they make the jerseys out of polyester.  Polyester does not breathe and is hot.  However, it looks great for years. 

My sister, Sunny, had a birthday today.  Her birthday fell close to Easter this year, but her birth fell on Easter Sunday.  Because of the way the calender works, it has yet to happen again.  Sunny Bunny was her nickname for awhile given her birth date.

We had a great time visiting with lots of our family on Easter.  It seems crazy that there were only 3 kids to hunt eggs.  For years there were throngs of kiddos to participate.  I guess that is what happens when one generation waits till later in life to get married and have babies, then they only have one or two kids- the numbers just decrease.  I did my part- four kids is an ample contribution to the Easter Egg Hunt of course those four are now too old for hunting eggs. 

Now for the week ahead.  McKinney is coming up and we have plants to purchase.  The bunnies are growing like mad and will soon be weaned from their mothers.  Sierra has sold some already and we have several more folks coming to look at them.  I guess that the bunnies that are ready will go with us to McKinney.  Spring is moving quickly and we are enjoying ourselves.

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